Everybody composes for an audience, even diary writers, who are their own audience. A letter author may write for an audience of one, an organization author may write of an audience of thousands or more, if they are lucky, and the Stephen Kings of the world compose for millions. Regardless of audience size, authors desire readers to read what they have written.
"The answer to that is two-fold," says Jackie. "One, because I write for a living. I do not need to hang out making cash in other methods. So being a full-time author really does mean you are enormously more productive than if you have to sort of fit it into here and there.

Some writers say that shipping is more vital than composing. That indicates what you write isn't as important as shipping (publishing) it. As soon as you releasing your work, if you're not pleased with it, or your readers aren't happy with it, you can reword it and deliver it again, but if you do not deliver it in the first location, you will not generate income.
Writing Books (traditional books and ebooks) is much easier than composing articles. This is merely because you require fewer concepts. A book is built around one central idea; with short articles, you need to come up with a fresh concept and slant for each article.
Regardless of this enthusiasm for writing, Jackie kept her writing private during her marital relationship. But when her marriage broke down, she tossed herself into composing with gusto. She says she did this partly due to the fact that she needed the money. "I wasn't making anything as a farmer," she says. "I just had a complicated caesarean, there was a dry spell, the creek had actually dried up, and I was absolutely totally broke. I required $106.44 to sign up the car. I was living in the shed in the bush with no electrical light, no hot running water. Things were in fact quite desperate, washing the nappies Best books to read by hand and putting them on the fence. I didn't have money for childcare.
The most convenient method to do this is to start with somebody you like who would make a good target reader for you. Why aren't they? What attributes are they missing that cause them not to be a reader of your book? For that matter perhaps you're lucky and they are a reader of comparable books?
So if you're not making adequate money from your writing, start composing and shipping more frequently and do it regularly, and you must start making cash from your composing every day.